
Showing posts from November, 2021

Londoncentric world map

  Some people think that the world map centred on Greenwich is an unnecessary layover from the times of empire. Of Course, many countries issue maps with themselves more central. Living in London, with the nassim I have for home I felt that the longitude being centred in Greenwich wasn’t enough. I thought that the latitude should also be centred in Greenwich. The majority of world maps use what is called the Mercator projection. This is a projection based on putting the sphere of the world inside a cylinder. The position of a location on the globe projected onto this cylinder is then where it occurs on the map. This has the nuance of distorting the polls and making areas closer to the poles much larger than they actually are. There have been many attempts to change the projection using other techniques that push the distortions to different places. There are maps that attempt to keep the relative surface area of countries accurate to life. The nature of creating a flat representati...

Syrup in the vains

This is something I thought about for the first time this week (Back in October). It should be a simple calculation. Amount of blood times blood sugar level. A normal blood sugar level when fasting (Including after just waking up) is 72 to 99mg/dL. A normal blood sugar level 2 hours after eating would be below 140mg/dL. The amount of blood in the body normally accounts for around 10% of the body weight .  Given that blood is mainly water its density won’t be far off that of water so it stands to reason that the average 70kg human will have about 7 litres of blood. Multiplying through this gives a waking total blood sugar of 5g and an after lunch blood sugar of 10g. Since this is the body’s preferred source of energy, it would be interesting to know how long the body can survive on just the sugar in the blood. Sugar is about 375 cal/ 100g That means that we have 38 calories of sugar in our blood after lunch and 19 after fasting. Assuming a 2000 cal daily energy use the body require...

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